Wednesday, February 01, 2006

French Newspaper Depicts Muhammad In Cartoon

A Danish newspaper published cartoon of Muhammad a while back. The result was protest and rioting in Denmark as well as in Gaza. Last week, a newspaper in Norway reprinted the cartoons. The result was more widely spread protesting and rioting.

Today France Soir has published cartoons with Muhammad. From the BBC with a ht/ to Right Nation.

A French newspaper has reproduced a set of Danish caricatures depicting the Prophet Muhammad that have caused outrage in the Muslim world.

France Soir said it had published the cartoons to show that "religious dogma" had no place in a secular society.

Their publication in Denmark has led to protests in several Arab nations.

Responding to France Soir's move, the French government said it supported press freedom - but added that beliefs and religions must be respected.

Islamic tradition bans depictions of the Prophet Muhammad or Allah.

Under the headline "Yes, we have the right to caricature God", France Soir ran a front page cartoon of Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim and Christian gods floating on a cloud.

It shows the Christian deity saying: "Don't complain, Muhammad, we've all been caricatured here."
I'm going to go way out on a limb here...crazed Muslims aren't going to like this.


Here is a copy of the Danish newspaper's front page, Jyllands-Posten, that got the whole thing started.

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