Saturday, February 18, 2006

"A Hunter’s Take on Cheney’s Mistake"

Doug Giles writing in Townhall today:

The desperate liberal media is hanging on to this Cheney story like Bill Clinton clinchin’ Border’s last copy of the Sports Illustrated Swim Suit issue. What a hissy fit NBC’s chief screaming correspondent, the pink shirted, David Gregory threw. This guy made Ron Burgundy come across like a Tibetan monk high on Thai stick. I was waiting for him to start screaming, “I’m David Gregory . . . I’m David Gregory . . . and David Gregory is a very important person! People know me, and I have many leather bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany!”

Yeah, if you look closely on the video from last Monday you can see a spring blow out from the side of Dave’s premature gray scalp. Dial down, Davey. Back off the espresso. Take a deep breath . . . relax . . . walk it off . . . put on some Kenny G and do some T'ai Chi or something . . . ‘cause you’re scaring the children.
Meanwhile the villagers are getting tired of hearing the pipsqueak media cry "wolf" every couple of days. When a real scandal does break it is going to take a lot of effort to get anyone's attention.

It is going to be hard to blame that on Bush and Cheney.

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