Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Condom Fun For Michigan Teens

For all you Michigan parents that haven't had enough time to speak with your teenage children about pre-marital sex and the condom (let alone if you haven't had the opportunity to sit down with them and create some cool artwork from the multi-colored latex sperm stoppers,) according to PipelineNews.org , Planned Parenthood of South Central Michigan has you covered.

Planned Parenthood of South Central Michigan's next program for teens is scheduled in Battle Creek on February 15. According to Planned Parenthood, "Project T.R.U.S.T. (Teaching Responsibility & Understanding of Sexuality & Teen Development) peer educators will be holding condom art workshops." The organization then goes on to encourage teenagers to "make a beautiful creation out of condoms, find out all the facts on using condoms correctly, and get a free gift!"
Planned Parenthood: Where we know that shoving a scissors into the brain of a near-term baby and then crushing her fragile skull with a forceps is much better than having that child adopted to a loving home.

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