Monday, February 20, 2006

UN Hypocrisy Marches On

The UN gives Hugo Chavez an award for promoting liberty in Latin America. The ward is given to Hugo by none other that the great hero of New World freedom -- Cuba's Fidel Castro. As blatantly stupid as this is, sadly, this might not even be the biggest example of UN hypocrisy this week.

Joseph Klein writes in FrontPage today about the UN's latest report on Guantanimo.

Just when you thought that the United Nations could not sink any lower in hypocrisy and anti-American bias, they do. The latest outrage is the UN report released on February 16, which lashes out at the USA for holding suspected terrorists at its military facility at Guantanamo Bay. The report calls the detention camp a haven for torture and demands that the U.S. immediately give all prisoners there a jury trial or release them. Kofi Annan has characteristically straddled the fence, distancing himself from certain unspecified conclusions of the report but agreeing with its essential recommendations.

The report was written by five self-described human rights investigators with academic, scientific, or legal backgrounds, operating on behalf of the discredited UN Commission on Human Rights – whose members include such serial human rights abusers as Sudan and Zimbabwe. Their spokesperson, Leila Zerrougui, has a history of bashing the United States for phantom human rights violations. Three years ago, she accused our own judicial system – the finest in the world – of displaying “blatant discrimination” without presenting the slightest shred of supporting evidence. Presumably, Zerrougui does not think she needs to collect any credible evidence for her bald assertions because of her own experience as a judge from that that well-known bastion of civil liberties, Algeria.
The UN has become nothing more than a lobbying firm for third world dictators and socialists. We don't need to pay millions of dollars to the UN to do that. We already have Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton who will do it for nothing while living on their Presidential pensions.

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