Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Muslim Hypocrisy

Debbie Schlussel cannot help but wonder why Islamists have not spent much time protesting and rioting outside the F/X network offices.

Writes Schlussel:

As you'll recall, this past summer, I wrote in the Wall Street Journal about my experience with "filmmaker" Morgan Spurlock (of anti-McDonald's "Super Size Me" fame). Spurlock produced and appeared on a show, "30 Days" on the F/X Network, a poor take-off on the crappy show, "Wife Swap."

Spurlock's people tried to enlist me for one episode of this agenda-laden show, in which he commanded his airhead childhood buddy, David Stacy, to live for 30 days as a Muslim--with Detroit-area Muslims hand-picked by HAMAS front-group, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which was closely consulted by Spurlock in producing the show.

As I'm reminded by Mike, research director of Anti-CAIR, that episode of "30 Days" (click on "episode guide" at bottom of page, then "Muslims in America") featured 2-3 cartoons of Mohammed. In the episode, which was first broadcast in July, Mohammed is even disrespectfully referred to as "Big Mo'".
Nope. Muslims not only didn't condemn Spurlock for the use of "Big Mo'" Mohammed cartoons, THEY HONORED HIM! In fact, Morgan Spurlock was honored, hailed, high-fived, and even given awards by the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), CAIR of Los Angeles (more on this here), and CAIR of Michigan at their annual dinners. MPAC and CAIR, by the way, are the same groups condemning the Danish Mohammed cartoons.
Apparently CAIR and MPAC missed the memo stating that any depiction of the prophet Mohammed is blasphemous and insulting, and an act certainly worthy of any effort of protesting, boycotting, rioting and extortortion.

All in the name of a peaceful religion, as it were.

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