Thursday, January 05, 2006

20 Most Annoying Liberals: 2005

Don't miss John Hawkins' list of 2005's 20 Most Annoying Liberals at Right Wing News.

A little sample here. #14 Maureen Dowd.

Maureen Dowd, the ranting New York Times columnist whom Democratic Senator Zell Miller once famously referred to as a, "high brow hussy," wrote a book this year moaning how relationships between men and women in America are all screwed up because she hasn't gotten married yet. Hmmmm, Dowd is well paid, famous, and not bad looking for her age. So, what's left that could explain why she hasn't gotten married?

Perhaps this defining quote from a piece on her in The Age will give us a hint:

Defining Quote: "Dowd says she doesn't mind that George W. Bush has nicknamed her "the Cobra", and she probably likes being called "the flame-haired flamethrower", but she hates all monikers that involve knives or other sharp objects. "I have a fear of castration," she explains. "Not fear of being castrated but fear of castrating." This from a woman who once referred to Al Gore as "practically lactating."
So we have a grindingly obnoxious woman with castration fantasies who just wrote a book called, Are Men Necessary? and men aren't falling all over themselves to propose? It's hard to believe, isn't it?
Each entry is quite funny and true.

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