Friday, November 06, 2009

Candidate Gets Valuable Endorsements

All this from yesterday's Detroit News:

"I'm impressed with him because he has the background and experience that sometimes is lacking today."
"Institutional experience and memory are missed in this process. [He] brings that."
Thus spake two former Michigan Democrat speakers of the house in their endorsement of...wait for it...John Cherry for governor!

Two additional former Democrat speakers also piped up and added their considerable clout to the Cherry campaign. As was emphasized by former speakers Bobby Crim and Lewis Dodak respectively above, Cherry manned the co-pilot's seat and gained invaluable experience in helping to navigate his favorite state into perhaps the most disastrous economic implosion in Michigan history. Cherry has been instrumental in helping to close doors for workers, shut down business growth opportunities, and ultimately in driving businesses and the unemployed out of state.

Cherry does have valuable experience, unfortunately it is in knowing how to shrink an economy. This will come in very handy during his first few weeks and months as governor as he intends to expand on the current administration's efforts to shrink Michigan's carbon footprint and grow green industry. Cherry knows how to effectively push for taxes when the business sector grows too big, how to enact crushing regulations when they become too wealthy, and how to use his myriad political skills in the propping up of favored niche industries such as the rental moving van and 'house for sale' sign printing sectors.

What's not to love about John Cherry's record? Of course he gets the endorsement of former Democrat speakers, for they have not yet seen a single indication that the Granholm/Cherry administration has been anything other than a monumental success.

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