Friday, July 06, 2007

Hamas Thanks US For Buying Them Weapons

Any aid given to rabidly anti-Israel political entities such as Hamas and Fatah is stupid, regardless of the earmarked purpose for the moneey. That includes food, medicine, clothing, housing and garbage collection.

As these vermin have shown in the past, they will skim any money they receive and will funnel the skimmings toward the further militarizing and terrorizing of Gaza, the West Bank and Israel.

Debbie Schlussel sums it up nicely in "Shukran [Thanks], America, For Buying Us Weapons!"

In case you are one of the American taxpayers who doesn't mind the gazillions in foreign aid that you are paying to Rival Palestinian Terrorists, Inc. er . . . the "Palestinian Authority," perhaps this little shukran (Arabic for "thank you") from HAMAS founder and chief Dr. Mahmoud Zahar (yup, a Medical Doctor) might change your mind.

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