Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Obama Finds Someone He Can Disown

Finally we have discovered the depths of ghastliness that an unrepentant hater must achieve before Barack Obama will willingly cut the cord.

And Linda Ramirez-Sliwinski, an Obama supporter, blew through that barrier on Saturday, faster than Dr. Jeremiah Wright could call Judaism a gutter religion.

From the Chicago Sun-Times:

On Saturday, two neighbor children were playing in the tree next-door to her house.

Ramirez-Sliwinski "came outside and told the children to quit playing in the tree like monkeys. The tree was not on Ramirez-Sliwinski's property," Carpentersville Police Commander Michael Kilbourne said.

Ramirez-Sliwinski admitted she used the word "monkeys," but said she did not intend racism. She said she was only trying to protect them from falling out of the tree.

"Linda Ramirez-Sliwinski said she saw the kids playing in the tree and didn't want them falling out of the tree and getting hurt. She said she calls her own grandchildren 'monkeys,' " Kilbourne said. The mother of one of the children did not see it that way, noting she and Ramirez-Sliwinski have clashed before.

"She felt it was racist because of the fact the children were African-American," Kilbourne said.
Once again we can see ourselves creeping ever closer to the day when it will not be the intent of what is spoken that is most important, but rather the interpretation of those words, however fouled up that interpretation might be. Literally, every uttered word could be the sword on which you have to fall.

Ramirez-Sliwinski is out $75 because of her neighbor's paranoia and will also be missing her party's convention. Hardened racist that she is.


h/t Protein Wisdom

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