Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Foreign Office Yanking the
Royal Navy's Teeth

This is exactly what can happen when leftist lawyers and judges are allowed to dictate all functions of a working state.

From the TimesOnline:

THE Royal Navy, once the scourge of brigands on the high seas, has been told by the Foreign Office not to detain pirates because doing so may breach their human rights.

Warships patrolling pirate-infested waters, such as those off Somalia, have been warned that there is also a risk that captured pirates could claim asylum in Britain.

The Foreign Office has advised that pirates sent back to Somalia could have their human rights breached because, under Islamic law, they face beheading for murder or having a hand chopped off for theft.
Just last week it was noted here and elsewhere that the UK had a death wish as evidenced by its inability to deport outspoken foreign advocates of terrorism nearing parole and currently held in British prisons. A judge ruled that the deportation might violate the terrorist's human rights as the home country had more, shall we say, demanding criminal codes. The ruling not only disallowed the deportation, but also made the support of the undeported terrorist the responsibility of the British taxpayers. A pretty sweet deal if you happen to be a terrorist with a lot of family mouths to feed.

It didn't take long for this leftist lunacy to infest the Royal Navy. What exactly is the commander supposed to do? Turn a blind eye? Maybe write a ticket? If detaining a pirate could be a violation of his human rights, what is pumping the guy full of lead going to do?

The British might as well mothball the Royal Navy and save themselves some money. Welfare for asylum seekers ain't cheap.

Meanwhile, all three presidential candidates in the United States support the closing of the Guantanamo terrorist detainment camp. Nope, I don't see anything bad happening with that.

h/t Overlawyered

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