Monday, January 16, 2006

New Orleans Mayor Says God Mad At America

Ray Nagin, the Mayor of hurricane ravaged New Orleans has declared that God is mad at America. In Breitbart with a hat tip to Drudge.

"Surely God is mad at America. He sent us hurricane after hurricane after hurricane, and it's destroyed and put stress on this country," Nagin, who is black, said as he and other city leaders marked Martin Luther King Day.

"Surely he doesn't approve of us being in Iraq under false pretenses. But surely he is upset at black America also. We're not taking care of ourselves."
Ray, one thing you haven't learned yet in your many duties as mayor and in your previous occupation as a corporate executive: actions and chosen inactions have consequences.

Certainly, God could have spared America from hurricanes, but hurricanes are not necessarily God's wrath any more than gravity is God's wrath aimed at a person that falls off a mountain.

Mr. Nagin, do you think that AIDS is God's wrath upon gay men? On Africans? In the early stages of AIDS, did you think it was a punishment for Haitians? Do you see tornados as attacks on the Mid-West? Are earthquakes in Iran or Pakistan God's wrath over Islam? Maybe you could explain forest fires or grass fires in Oklahoma or Texas, or drought in Africa. Who knows, maybe cold winters are revenge on the Inuit tribes.

Mr. Nagin, here is the way I see it. That a major hurricane was going to hit New Orleans was a mathematical certainty, and it finally happened this year. We had studied the problem and ideas were forwarded that would have prevented a category 3 hurricane from breaching the levees. These plans were deemed too ecologically damaging.

We had allocated money to Louisiana for flooding control. In fact, army corps money allocated to Louisiana was more than in any other state over the past few years. This money, however, was spent on pet projects that did not improve the levee system.

The city of New Orleans had devised evacuation plans for a hurricane emergency. For whatever reason, these plans were not even put into motion by the locals, namely you.

The state of Louisiana's Governor and other state agencies created all the fine photo ops for those people stranded at the Superdome and Convention Center, while local officials and the news media forwarded false rumors about murdering hordes inside the dome, shots being fired at helicopters, cannibalism and armed gangs moving inside the city. All of this exacerbating an already difficult rescue situation. It didn't help that state agencies intentionally prevented disaster relief supplies to the Superdome because they felt it might create a situation where evacuees wouldn't want to leave the bottled water and blankets.

We cannot know the mind of God, regardless of what Ray Nagin believes. However, if God is punishing anyone here, I think it is more plausible that He is punishing the people of New Orleans and Louisiana. It is simply too hard to blame all of America for the voting record of stupid people in Louisiana.

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