Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Where Zawahiri and the MSM Agree

A recent letter sent from Zawahiri to Zarqawi that was intercepted has some pretty interesting things to say.

First up, "I say to you: that we are in a battle, and that more than half this battle is taking place in the battlefield of the media. And that we are in a media battle in a race for the hearts and minds of our nation"

It appears that finally Zawahiri is able to express in a nutshell what we on the right have been saying for a long time--that there are two wars being fought here. There is the ones with guns and missiles and bullets, and then there is the other fought with paper, television and other media. In the first battle the US led coalition is winning, and winning big. In the second battle we are breaking even at best. Of course NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NY Times, LA Times, Wa Post, etal, will neither change their tack on this war nor will they openly mention Zawahiri's opinion on the matter. Why would they want little newsworthy details like this get in the way of a good political smear campaign?

Secondly, Zawahiri begs with Zarqawi to stop the killing of innocents in Iraq because it is hurting the local cause. (Zarqawi as late as last week defended the tactic of killing innocent civilians as a means to wage jihad.) As obvious as it is that this tactic is hurting al Qaida in the Iraq theater, the tactic is having the desired effect in the US as it fuels the left's desire to pull out of Iraq because, as far as the left is concerned, every Iraqi that dies, regardless of the perpetrater, the responsibility lies in the lap of the US.

Zawahiri also mentions in the letter that the goal for Iraq is to have the US leave before Iraqi forces are ready to handle the insurgency and that they can then fill the vacuum left behind. What southeast Asia country does that remind you of? From the newly hatched Islamic state in Iraq, al Qaida then hopes to establish a celiphate that will serve as a launching pad for eventual mid-east domination.

When it gets right down to it I hope that US voters have the determination to stay the course in Iraq and in the greater war on terror. If we cut and run before the job is done each and every life already spent will have been a waste. Even scarier, the costs of the war, a war that will be waged either now or in the future, will be exponentially worse if we wait to fight it another day.

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