Monday, June 29, 2009

"That is 'Mr. Shrek' to You!"

We all have those moments in our life that we wish we could get back.

Monica Conyers may be having one of those moments today, a woman that has experienced very few of these in her public career. Not that she should not have, mind you, just that she has not.

She did not seem remorseful after her well documented hotel bar fight just prior to taking office. Why should she be sorry? She has a great right cross, did not get the black eye, scored a few drinks, and was able to beat any charges.

She did not seem too remorseful after screaming her head off in a Denver hotel at the Democratic National Convention. Why should she be remorseful? Her drop of the hat temper got her a room upgrade and some serious respect.

She did not seem remorseful either after baiting an elementary school student into a debate on character that was clearly won by the student. Why should she be remorseful over that little incident? Most of the debate went right over her head.

And, while she was certainly not remorseful at the time of repeatedly calling Detroit City Council President Ken Cockrell "Shrek", now that she could use a little sympathy from the lovable fairy tale character (after admitting to bribery charges on Monday) perhaps remorse is beginning to set in.

2 comments: said...

Nah. She'll emerge from the clink every bit the scoundrel she was when she went inside. Maybe even a little more hardened.

Prove me wrong, Monica. Turn that life around. Tell you what... she asked for prayer before, in her own snotty, superior way...

Now she NEEDS our prayers.

Jesus tells us to look after the widows, the orphans, the poor... the prisoners.

I'll add her to my prayer list. Not in any sort of Davidic way, either. Straight up intercession.

If we all do that... well, prayer's a powerful thing!


Bruce Lilley said...

Well spoken. Challenges of this magnitude bring us face to face with our own faith. Our lord spoke the words that we should pray... forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, lead us not to temptation and deliver us from evil.
The consequences of her actions will be meted out according to our laws. In the end, we will be judged by Him according to His law. God Bless
