Monday, March 02, 2009

Hoping For Failure

America voted for hope and change and the change is coming. Says Paul Mirengoff at Power Line:

We now know for certain that Obama is an out-and-out statist bent on redistributing income and clamping down on free markets. He desires, as Charles Krauthammer has shown, to convert our free and vibrant economy into a European-style nanny state.

Conservatives must be equally single-minded in the defense of our country's way of life. There is no cooperating with Obama on domestic issues, and to the extent that Republican Senators like Arlen Specter cooperate, conservatives must do whatever we can to end their public careers.
I want Barack Obama to fail, and I want him to fail miserably. For clarity's sake, this is not to say I want our country to fail out of spite for the Messiah, it means, simply, that I believe in my brain and my heart that Eurosocialism is a failed economic system that sucks the wealth, life and goodness out of people. (As has much progressive meandering already done here.)

As the socialists muscle individuals and charities out of the way in an attempt to provide for the people, charities and individuals become victims of the huge tax requirements necessary to project the inefficient government's foray into areas where it simply is incapable of providing adequate concern.

If you want to see what national health care looks like, you should have been paying attention to the reports of conditions at Walter Reed Hospital a year or so ago when it splashed across the newspaper headlines in an attempt to smear George Bush.

If you want to see what government provided housing looks like, look to the public housing projects in Dallas and Chicago, in New York and St. Louis.

If you want to see the vision of public school education, look to socialist Detroit where barely 25% of public school students achieve graduation, and where many of those that do graduate are unable to compete at the university level.

If you want to see the government operate a business, look to the USPS and Amtrak. Both have been awash in red ink for years.

And yet, these are the models of industriousness and efficiency that we will have to accept if we envision our economy in the hands of benevolent government bureaucrats who ride to and from work in the back seats of their taxpayer provided limousines.

So yeah, I want Barack Obama to fail. And, I want his failure attached firmly to people like Arlen Specter and Susan Collins who pine for the day when Washington DC makes every decision for the rest of us, from the breakfast cereal we choose in the morning, to the cars we drive, to the medicines we take, to the weapons we own, and even to the radio programs we listen to.

God did not create free people, as even recognized by our founding fathers, so that they would meekly herd themselves inside a corral to be lorded over by a bunch of dirty socialist babysitters.

Count me out.

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