Sunday, March 08, 2009

Another Reason to Homeschool

The parents of over 30 pupils in East London are facing possible court action for removing their children from a school hell-bent on teaching lessons in celebration of Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender History Month. Many of the children exposed to the lessons are under 10 years of age.

One story covered in a lesson was King and King, a fairytale about a prince who turns down three princesses before falling in love with one of their brothers.

Another book, And Tango Makes Three, features two male penguins, Roy and Silo, who fall in love at a New York zoo.

Sarah Saeed, 40, took her eight-year-old daughter out of school during the week.

She said: ‘It is not an appropriate age for the children to be learning such matters. We have our own way of explaining things to them and they should not be subjected to this.

‘I was aware they were going to be learning about homosexual relationships through stories.

‘If the council takes action against me I will tell them that I told the school beforehand I would be taking my child away if they did not change their policy.

‘She has a 100 per cent attendance record otherwise. This is the only time and this is the only choice I had.’
So, without this particular history month, the school would be promoting homosexuals as somehow inferior?

It is time for the multi-culti supporters to stop trying to use schools as bludgeons for their progressive causes. Children are in school to learn history, and math, and science, and reading, and writing; they are not in school to have progressive educators meld the coming generations into monolithic parroters of all things progressive.

As the parent of children, I believe there are things that are too important to abdicate to the state. Self esteem and morality are tops on that list.

Shame on the generations of parents that have allowed this idiocy to manifest itself in Britain and those parents that welcome the state's intrusion into their parenting here in America. Do you really want to slough off these responsibilities?

If there was ever a reason to home school, aside from the near impossibility of getting rid of crappy teachers in the modern classroom run by unions as mere jobs programs, and that it takes an act of God to rid the schools of disruptive students, it is the progressive curriculum being hoisted onto the backs of parents who would simply prefer that their children be taught lessons of morality at home, rather than in the classroom by a coupled pair of confused flightless birds at the nodding approval of some interventionist git.

Other than that, public schools are just great.

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