Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Free Speech To Die in the EU?

Things are getting truly scary in parts of Europe where the EUtopians, in an effort to solidify their existing power while expanding the geographical area of that power's influence, have cooked up a scheme that might forever place most of that continent under the cloud of dhimmitude.

For all the right reasons, of course.

It is contained within the Lisbon Treaty's European Arrest Warrant--scheduled to take effect next year.

The European Arrest Warrant specifies a vast grouping of crimes for which the EU can take action. These crimes include heinous ones such as terrorism, murder and rape, but also includes other crimes weighed just as offensive by the document, such as racism and xenophobia and computer related crimes.

The really interesting twist is that any member state can issue an arrest warrant for anyone within the territory of another member state. Therefore, if a cartoonist or a newspaper in Denmark were to publish cartoons that were deemed offensive by Muslims in the streets of France, French authorities, giddy to appease anyone that ever threw a rock, could issue a warrant by the time the second car was torched.

What will happen when Turkey becomes a member state, or when the EU expands to include states from north Africa as has been suggested? Will a blogger in Belgium, pointing out the fact that Mohammad consummated a marriage with a nine year old, be arrested under a warrant issued in Turkey?

Will a British clergyman, after pointing out that Muslims should be approached for conversion, be charged with xenophobia in France? Will a mishandled Koran in Germany result in a Bulgarian trial?

The EU has, in essence, provided to The Religion of Perpetual Offendedness the legal framework in which to drag its ideological foes into a criminal court because they don't like what they have read or heard.

In Europe, "I have been offended" may soon get every bit as much legal attention as "I have been raped."

Now, what could ever go wrong with that?

h/t Brussels Journal


Anonymous said...

This is basically what CAIR wants in the United States of America. Very scary. If CAIR ever gets its way here in the U.S., any of us right-wing conservative bloggers would all get arrested for posting anything that "slights" Islam.

George Orwell's world in his book, 1984, is one step closer to reality. Mr. Orwell saw the future, he was just a little off on his title.

Roug said...

It will not be enough to ignore these sorts of threats on our free speech and thought.

These sorts of developments must be aggressively resisted.