Friday, May 12, 2006

al-Qaeda Misinterpreting Islam Again

We all know that jihad is an inner and very personal struggle. It is not an external battle with infidels, pig-dogs, nasty Jews, Satanist Americans, girls that want to go to school in Afghanistan, train communters in London, nightclub visitors in Bali, wedding party attendants in Jordan, or cartoonists in Europe.

To suggest anything otherwise is an affront to all true Muslims and is a blatant abuse of Islam itself.

In a recently release video, Islam is once again attacked by al-Qaeda as the misunderstanders of the one true religion beg for blood in Denmark, Norway and France.

"Muslims avenge your Prophet .... We deeply desire that the small state of Denmark, Norway and France ... are struck hard and destroyed," said Libyan Mohammed Hassan, who escaped from US custody at Bagram airbase in Afghanistan last July.

"Destroy their buildings, make their ground shake and transform them into a sea of blood," said Hassan, dressed in military fatigues and a black turban, and holding an assault rifle.
Poor, poor Islam.

(h/t to The Religion of Peace)

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