Thursday, April 09, 2009

CBS News Brings the Importance

One of the unexpected perils of unemployment is the off chance that the television might be accidentally tuned to the CBS Morning News on a weekday morning better spent at an office not crushed under an inevitable economic collapse caused by socialist policies.

So there I sat, unable to find the remote control, when up popped the announcement that the seemingly serious news show was going to spend part of their next hour interviewing someone, someone who I assumed was of national importance.

Who was this surprise interviewee? Was it a world leader? Was it a national politician? A scientist? A philosopher? Someone with a critically important viewpoint as it relates to anything of even modest importance?

No, of course, to all of these questions.

The promised interview was with Levi Johnson, the teenage kid whose sole claim to fame was his success at impregnating an Alaskan governor`s daughter. He has some dirt on the first family of Alaska, and according to CBS news, a jilted teenager`s animus toward ex-potential in-laws is newsworthy. (Funny how much less attention a current VP`s child`s actions receive in comparison to a potential VP`s child, that is when the losing candidate happens to be a conservative.)

CBS news is at the epicenter of a left wing news media that has thrown aside any intent it once had to provide objective or important journalism. CBS news is now, as it has been for several decades, little more than a pipeline through which intellectual puppeteers attempt to influence the opinions of unfortunate early morning couch potatoes. CBS fears Sarah Palin and it will do whatever it can to tarnish the reputation of a conservative with importance to the national party.

Who could have guessed that in the years following Dan Rather`s demise, that the network could actually go backward in objectivity?

Thankfully, I have found my remote.

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