Wednesday, June 10, 2009

David Letterman: Making Sex Jokes About Children

There was a time when I thought David Letterman was funny, at least on occasion. I stopped watching him about a dozen years ago when he decided his best shot at getting a few laughs was making goofy faces at the camera. Most people outgrow that by the age of five, but with Dave it never has gotten old.

Now he is working on a new shtick...making sex jokes about the fourteen year old children of people with whom he and his network are politically unaligned.

John Hinderaker asks a very good question:

Malia Obama will turn fourteen during her father's term in office. What do you think the chances are that Letterman (or anyone else) will make obscene jokes about her on network television?
Letterman has been a sexist pig for years but now it seems as if he has turning out to be an asshole on top of it all. (In these trying times I suppose a guy has to keep working on his resume.)

Would CBS allow these jokes to air unchallenged if they were of Malia? Let us see what happens in the next day or so. I long to be pleasantly surprised.


Anonymous said...

Letterman's 5 or 6-year-old son, Harry, was born without the benefit of his biological parents being married. According to the dictionary, that makes him a bastard ("a person born of unmarried parents; an illegitimate child"). However, in March of 2009, Harry's parents did marry, so I don't know if he's still a bastard. I do know his father will be a bastard forever. It seems to me David could get some real mileage making distasteful jokes about himself rather than the Palins.

Anonymous said...

What do you suppose the backlash would have been if Letterman addressed his sick comment about one of Obama's daughters getting "knocked up"?

Anonymous said...

His joke wasnt even about the 14 year old daughter, it was about the one that actually got knocked up, any idiot could work that out. Original poster and two commenters above are retarded.

Roug said...

Wow, six months later your hindsight is almost 20/20. Of course, the problem is that Letterman's joke was written about the daughter that attended the baseball game, and where the writers (and Letterman) erred was that the older daughter--the one you so eloquently announced was knocked-up--did not attend the game. Rather the game was attended by the younger daughter.

Letterman would have been much better off had he stated as such when he began the controversy rather than making additional jokes about it. It wasn't until a week or so later that he acknowledged that his joke was poorly researched and in poor taste. He apologized, dipstick.

If he is willing to admit his error, why aren't you willing to accept his admission?

I am fine with Letterman's explanation and apology. It sounds like you need to take this up with Letterman.

In addition, I made note of Letterman's apology here:

We retarded people operate that way.