Thursday, November 06, 2008

Socialism to be Renamed

Do you remember when government spending was renamed "investment" by bureaucrats because they knew us gullible constituents would not object nearly so much if we were made to believe that the same money being tossed down a rat hole was instead being carefully placed by financial wizards into areas that would provide valuable return?

You must also be aware that global warming is more and more often being referred to as "global climate change." This because the locals began to question the legitimacy of the claims as temperatures fell, historical maps disagreed, and the ice masses increased.

The latest term with negative implications that needs to be changed is socialism--that wonderful elixir of government benevolence that promises to surround all of us in the warm glow of success and contentment. But, too many of us yokels have visions of socialism that are contrary to what is being pedaled by The Obama and the Democrats. Too many of us have visions of socialism as it has always manifested itself before; the miserable starvation, listlessness, the economic stagnation.

So, to make it easier for us yokels to swallow, the term is being given a face lift. It is now to be called Sustainable Capitalism. Yeah!

From Moonbattery.

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