Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Dreadful Illegal Carpool

What do you do when constituencies collide? Easy answer, you side with the most powerful.

In a ridiculous case of government interfering into the private lives of people, look today to Canada where the government has seen fit to fine an organization formed to carpool, cut down on pollution, and save gas money. Why? Because the bus companies complained.

Now, in a world of starving polar bears, rising gasoline prices, and congested highways, you would think that a few extra butts sitting in the backseat of a car that is already going someplace would be a good thing. My Dad would call such a thing good common sense. My Mother would call such a thing good stewardship.

Ha, in Ontario they simply call it illegal!

h/t Moonbattery

1 comment: said...

The Big 3 should hire those lobbyists.
