Sunday, November 06, 2005

Reuters Reports With Blinders On

Reuters gives us the skinny on the problems in France.

The problem is unemployment. The problem is forgotten youth. The problem is nothing to do. The problem is that the young feel out of touch. Of course it couldn't be that Islam's disconnection from all things un-Islamic has anything to do with it. That might be too easy. I also cannot see the benefit of torching businesses because unemployment is high. That is a lot like murdering someone over high homocide rates.

It is especially interesting to me that nowhere in this article is Islam or are Muslims mentioned. You can bet your butt that this not an oversight. This is an attempt by Reuters to desensitize the news. When France is part of a celiphate state some years hence, I wonder if Reuters, reporting comfortably from elsewhere, will be able to report responsibly, or will they perpetuate this farce.

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