Thursday, November 10, 2005

GOP Weenies

What happened to the GOP? The Grand Old Party used to be willing to go toe to toe in a good fight. Now the GOP is led by a bunch of skirt wearing political pacifists too scared to fight for fear of breaking a nail.

First of all, look to the GOPs concessions on drilling in the ANWR. I am reeling with the cost of gasoline. I suffer today because of decisions made decades ago, and likewise, the decisions we make today cement us into higher fuel costs for years to come. I don't want to hear even one of these blathering idiots complain in 5 years when gas is $6.50 per gallon. But you wait and see, in five years, when prices are sky high, we will have another group of these Senators wagging fingers at oil executives in front of a useless committee because of high gas prices. Good comedy if I wasn't already so upset.

Secondly, a GOP Senator is asking other Republicans to back off a probe into the CIA's leak of secret terrorist prisons. I want to know what the CIA is hiding, who they are covering for, and why some damaging CIA leaks that do actually impact national security are ok, while astoundingly lame leaks turn the government on its head. Does the name Valerie Plame come to mind? This stinks of coverup, and I don't care who is to blame. Someone in the CIA is trying to submarine our foreign policy and now we have GOP Senators covering it up. Not good comedy under any circumstances.

Thanks a lot Right Nation for raising my blood pressure.

If Republicans lose ground in the upcoming elections it will be because of their spineless ignorant character and because they flat out deserve it. That might not be good comedy either. More ironic than funny.

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