Prominently displayed on the website of Iraq Body Count are the words:
Civilians reported killed by military intervention in Iraq
This, of course, is spread beneath the picture of an evil aircraft carpet bombing the innocents in true warmongering fashion.
Any person completely unaware of the agenda of Iraq Body Count might get pretty angry at those evil, blood thirsty Americans. And that is precisely what is desired.
The current estimate of deaths in Iraq is listed as between 42,434 and 38,059--the large red numbers located beneath the sinister bombs. By looking at the front page of the website, it is impossible to believe that this huge number of innocent deaths could be caused by anything other than coalition forces.
However, you have to go beyond the front page of IBC to read the entire methodology behind the gathering of information. If you do dare to travel beyond those huge, red numbers you will see that the deaths of foreign terrorists in Iraq are counted as civilians and are added to the tally of the deaths blamed on the US invasion.
Seriously. If al-Qaeda leader Zarqawi is accidentally killed in Iraq while he is blowing up a busload of civilians, his death will be blamed on the evil, carpet bombing Americans, as will the deaths of the bus-riding victims. In fact, the innocent civilians that Zarqawi and his cohorts have intentionally murdered are a vast majority of the deaths on Iraq Body Count, all of which are shamelessly blamed on the evil coalition.
Iraq Body Count includes in its tallies the brave Iraqi soldiers that are standing up to the terrorists and fighting along side our American soldiers. So, an Iraqi soldier killed by terrorists in the line of duty during a joint operation with American soldiers is treated as if the American soldiers had gunned him down in cold blood.
In fact, according to their own website, IBC
also includes excess civilian deaths caused by criminal action resulting from the breakdown in law and order which followed the coalition invasion.
You read that correctly. If a criminal robs a bank and is killed in the effort, Iraq Body Count can, under the terms of its own rules, blame the death on the US invasion of Iraq. We should be comforted by the fact that supposedly three IBC staffers make the determination as to what is an excessive criminal action--how that is possible in a country that contains hundreds of mass graves filled with over 300,000 bodies is tough to guess.
Not to be deprived of an opportunity to add a huge number of deaths, when an estimated 1,000 pilgrims were killed in Hajj during a stampede last August, the tragedy was blamed on the evil Americans and their invasion of Iraq.
The Religion of Peace has done an excellent job parsing the death tables that are promoted on IBC. Please read their article if you are at all interested in the truth about who has been killed, and who did the killing.