Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hamas: For The Children!

PowerLine has an excellent post today on the many smuggling tunnels that run between Gaza and Egypt. The tunnels are a major conduit of illegal arms used to create havoc against Israel according to both the Israeli and Egyptian governments.

Not so, says Hamas.

From an article from Israel Today:

Palestinian officials from the Gaza Strip have distributed a set of carefully-staged photographs they say are evidence that the smuggling tunnels running under the Gaza-Egypt border are for milk and other essential goods, not weapons.

The photographs show masked Palestinian militants lifting jugs of milk and sacks of baby food from the entrance to one of the tunnels on the Gaza side of the border.
More pictures are placed with the article.

As everyone knows, the behavior of people in front of a camera or an observant eye are always consistent with every day behavior. Ya, right.

I remember a kid from high school. He was in my grade as a freshman. When I was a junior he was still a freshman. Let us just say that neither academics nor good behavior were his strong suit. Well, the Mother of said struggling student was unable to comprehend his 9th grade struggles. She could not believe that the perfect boy at home would ever engage in disruptive classroom antics. He was too observant and bright for that.

To prove her point, SuperMom sat in the back of SuperSon's classrooms for several days, taking careful notes while observing her little angel. She was certain he would excel if only the dastardly teachers would stop picking on him and allow his finer skills to emerge. She left the classroom after several days, a notebook filled with scrawled narrative, completely satisfied that her son had been falsely accused and now vindicated.

A couple days later, the moron removed a pot pipe from his smelly pants and repeatedly blew through it when the teacher wasn't looking. Let us just say the room took on a smell of illegality. I don't even remember if he was caught or not--I do remember that his behavior was altered when certain people were watching.

Hamas' propaganda is intended for a particularly gullible audience. As ridiculously absurd as it is to those of us that know the character of Hamas, it will succeed amongst the audience for whom it was intended.

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