Monday, February 06, 2012

NFL Snookered Again

This time by M.I.A., an habitual provider of entertainment content you wouldn't want your six year old daughter to watch, who flipped off America during last night's Super Bowl half-time show. Incidentally, one would usually have to take a child to a rowdy beer joint to get flipped off on a Sunday night, so in that sense at least NBC is making responsible parenting that much easier.

I'm no lawyer, but it seems it would be easy enough to dissuade this sort of shenanigans by issuing an out clause by which the NFL/NBC could refuse payment to the so-called offending entertainer should said entertainer swear, flip off America, or expose a wayward boob while the kiddies are watching.

NBC, which has done nothing but promote pop culture, now has a bit of a quandary on its hands. How does it rein in the beast which they helped nurture? Perhaps it doesn't want to.

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