Sunday, April 19, 2009

Obama Casually Accepts Ortega's Words

If Daniel Ortega was not a Marxist tyrant in Central America but instead a humble preacher in Chicago, you could bet our great President Obama would have chosen to sit his butt in the pews of the Rev. Ortega regularly for years. The Rev. Ortega would have been an inspiration to the president, a part of his being.

This is why I was not surprised by Obama's humble acceptance of the words of Ortega at the Summit of the Americas.

Barack Obama feels comfortable sitting down and listening to his country being slandered and misrepresented as one of the world's great evils because this is something that he is accustomed to. He has been listening to it for years from his mentors and friends, from the church pews and across his dining table.

America is evil. Get used to it.

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