Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I'm BAAAACK! (Temporarily)

I've been traveling to and from Atlanta now for the past several weeks. After my last trip I had four days here at home before I had to load up the car again for a return to Atlanta, and this time my stay at home might be for no more than two weeks.

Blogging while on the road has been impossible. And, during my short stays at home, I find myself questioning whether blogging is really worth the effort since I am unable to produce timely posts on much of anything too interesting. As my posting has waned so too has my readership.

During the past few months I've found myself severed from the Michigan political scene and have not been reconnected much of anywhere else. Jennifer Granholm's IQ may have miraculously spiked to 80 in my absence and I would be none the wiser. I'm currently more qualified to post on the aesthetics of my 95 Le Sabre's dash board than I am the Michigan governor's race.

I am going to try and blog during the next couple of weeks to see if the effort seems like a reasonable investment. Then, if I can make my laptop wireless capable in the next week or so I'll have the ability to blog occasionally on the road too.

We'll have to see what happens from there.

1 comment:

  1. One reader ..all you need.. a loyal follower..

