Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Glee Club of the Year: Time Magazine

This is old news, of course, but when I first heard it I was somewhat surprised.

I do not read Time Magazine because the weekly glossy long ago joined the progressive glee club. That they cheered for Barack Obama all the way through 2008 is no shock, and that Obama was ultimately named Person of the Year by the publication is not startling either. It would be hard to argue against that designation regardless of one's political bent.

What is surprising, however, is the shameless level of cheerleading that the tired political rag engaged in. Fourteen times during the course of the year, Time dedicated its front cover to The Obama and, when you include the "skybox" portion of the cover, Barack Obama had a presence, in name or in picture, on 25 of the magazine's 52 covers. "Korea Dictators Today" wouldn't be vacant enough to dedicate that many covers to Kim Jong-il.

When seeking hard-hitting and objective political journalism, Time Magazine is not the place to look. One could find more objectivity on Obama Girl's debut release.

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