Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Education vs. Indoctrination

The modern public education system has torn the responsibility of educating children away from parents and the community, and reallocated the responsibility onto motived bureaucracies ever farther and farther away from Little Johnny. This has worked to the great disadvantage of children by disenfranchising those who should be most interested in this education (the parents) and by stacking the power onto the shoulders of parties often times much more interested in addressing perceived social and cultural ills through indoctrination than they are about Johnny's ignorance of Economics. In fact, an economically ignorant Johnny can be of real benefit to social engineers.

Lets be honest here, Adolph Hitler didn't outlaw homeschooling because he thought the German state would do a better job of teaching math, he simply felt he had a more pressing need for the youth of his country.

Today's lesson in "Oh, by God, this could happen here!" comes from the UK.
Children should no longer be taught traditional subjects at school because they are "middle-class" creations, a Government adviser will claim today.

Professor John White, who contributed to a controversial shake-up of the secondary curriculum, believes lessons should instead cover a series of personal skills.

Pupils would no longer study history, geography and science but learn skills such as energy- saving and civic responsibility through projects and themes.
As John Hawkins says at Right Wing News:
If lefties like this guy have their way, kids won't know math, science, or history, but they will be able to quote to you from Earth in the Balance. That's really where liberal priorities really are when it comes to education.
And concerned parents, located hundreds of miles away from the enlightened individuals making these decisions, find themselves in a nearly impossible position to do anything about it short of home schooling.

Beware all government that restricts the local financing of school districts and home schooling. They all have better plans for your children than you do.

h/t to Knowledge is Power via Right Wing News

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