Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Indiana Republican Courts the Nazi Vote

How can a guy get a law degree and yet remain so ignorant about history, naive about human nature, and so totally stupid when it comes to making campaign decisions?

Yep, a Republican, trying to get his message out, gives a speech to the Nazis at an event honoring the birthday of Adolph Hitler.

From The News-Dispatch
CROWN POINT, Ind. - If fans of Hitler held a party, and a candidate for federal office attended, would anybody notice?

Apparently, yes.

U.S. Congressional candidate Tony Zirkle is facing criticism from one of his primary opponents, and a host of people on the Internet, for speaking at an event over the weekend that celebrated Adolf Hitler's birthday.

Zirkle confirmed to The News-Dispatch on Monday he spoke Sunday in Chicago at a meeting of the Nationalist Socialist Workers Party, whose symbol is a swastika.

When asked if he was a Nazi or sympathized with Nazis or white supremacists, Zirkle replied he didn't know enough about the group to either favor it or oppose it.

"This is just a great opportunity for me to witness," he said, referring to his message and his Christian belief.
h/t LGF

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