Wednesday, January 02, 2008

A Man of the Year to Honor

Time Magazine is up front when they name their Man of the Year. They admit to their readership that the award winner is not necessarily a man of high character, but merely the person that they believe had a greater influence on world events than anyone else during the year.

Even so it was a surprise when that glossy liberal rag named Vladimir Putin their Man of the Year. Sure Putin went about his business in the same way I suppose many KGB agents do, by offing some political enemies, power broking huge amounts of wealth into his own pocket to the detriment of his subjects, by gathering as much political power as he could unto himself thereby assuring his stature as the true leader of the Russian empire until his death, and by steering his country into cozy agreements with some of the the world's other most malevolent dictators.

But, that is just Time. I haven't read more than a page or two of that crap since my college years.

You want to read about a true Man of the Year?

Front Page Magazine has a glowing tribute to General David Howell Petraeus--their Man of the Year (and a man actually deserving of such an honor.) Is it any wonder that the internet is killing old journalism?

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