Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Uplifting Children's Poetry

Where would you look to find uplifting poetry such as this for your children?
Glorious Wafa will always be with us.
She sacrificed her soul.
She stood up in the square proud, tall and defiant,
to punish the Zionist gang for the barbaric war,
and to teach the world a lesson about [the meaning of] nationalism.
Hurrah for this believing and loyal young woman.
She gave her soul to redeem the Al-Aqsa [Mosque] and Arab Jerusalem.
She uttered a cry of truth, which paved her way to eternal [life].
She [entered] the Creator's Paradise and met Sumayya [the first female Muslim martyr]."
Look no farther than London. It is contained in issue #9 of Al-Fetah, Hamas' Children's Magazine. Because, as every child psychologist will tell you, you simply have to give your kids legitimate goals if you want them to become successful.

Much more at MEMRI with a h/t to Front Page.

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