Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Natalie Maines Attacks Country Music Fans

Ever the pragmatist, Natalie Maines, lead singer for the Dixie Chicks, is striking back at the folks that made her rich. CK Rairden writing in the National Ledger:
The Dixie Chicks were humming along as a darling country music trio until one night in March 2003 in London. Lead singer Natalie Maines slammed President George W. Bush at a concert and announced to the British crowd, ''We're ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas.''

That didn't sit well with country music fans then, and now Maines says she's finished with the genre and is none too pleased with the fans, basically labeling them as redneck hicks.

She tells Entertainment Weekly, "the stereotype is true."

"For me as a person, [The incident has] completely altered the course I was on," Maines tells Entertainment Weekly. "For me to be in country music to begin with was not who I was. I liked Martie and Emily's (the talented Dixie Chicks) playing, but I did not grow up liking country music."

"And I guess I was ignorant to the fact that the stereotypes behind country music were true — and it was disappointing."
Wow, a leftist embracing stereotypes. I wonder what stereotypes are floating around these days about skanky, blonde, ungrateful, moronic ditzes?

I await in great anticipation Natalie's rocketing to the top of the charts in another musical genre. Of course, she had better pick one where there is no country music spill-over. I hear that redneck hicks can carry grudges.

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