Monday, January 23, 2006

Assad Accuses Israel of Arafat's Murder

Bashar Assad, whose Syrian govenment has been accused by the UN of involvement in the death of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, has started its own brand of "one-ups-manship," by accusing Israel of the murder of the dirty-toweled one, Yasser Arafat.

From JTA with a hat tip to The Religion of
“Of the many assassinations that Israel carried out in a methodical and organized way, the most dangerous thing that Israel did was the assassination of President Yasser Arafat,” Assad said Saturday in a speech in Damascus.

Arafat died of an undisclosed illness in a Paris hospital in 2004, and doctors found no evidence of foul play.
Just another tired attempt by Assad to rally the ignorant Jew-haters in the Middle East. It will probably work too.

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