Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The Wisdom of Ted Turner

Ted Turner is at it again. Always one to embrace dictators, communists, and socialists of all types, Turner has announced his belief that Iraq was just as well off before the invasion. His latest group of favor seems to be the fascists. (It seems odd to me that leftists can accuse Bush of being Hitleresque when it is the leftists themselves that befriend fascist leaders.)

But Ted seems to be more insulated from sound reasoning than many of his cohorts. Even most liberals will start off their diatribes by saying "Yes, everyone is better off without Saddam in power..." before concluding their comment with a huge but. Ted, however, even dismisses the notion that removing Saddam was a good idea.
Media mogul Ted Turner said Monday that Iraq is "no better off" following the U.S.-led invasion that ousted dictator Saddam Hussein in 2003.
Perhaps Ted hasn't seen the videos yet of dissidents being thrown off of buildings or being fed feet-first into wood chippers. Then again, maybe he has and just doesn't care.

Hat tip to Right Nation.

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