Thursday, November 17, 2005

Tort Reform? Nah...

In just one more example of why we might need just a little tweaking of the tort laws in this country, a jury has awarded $61,000,000 to the family of passenger killed in a Ford Explorer roll-over accident.

So, where is the catch? The driver of the vehicle in which the 17 year old was a passenger, fell asleep.

To hold Ford responsible for this is just stupid. But, when you have a jury of people facing a bereaved family on one side and a huge corporation sitting on the other with seemingly bottomless pockets, should we really expect to have fair monetary awards granted?

Kinda makes me wonder how those bloodsucking attorneys will be spending their 1/3 stipend. I don't know, perhaps on a new car capable of navigating passengers safely home, even after an irresponsible driver falls sound asleep behind the wheel.

(h/t Right Nation )

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