Sunday, November 27, 2005

Democrat's Criticism Hurting Troops

Nothing ticks off democrats more than telling them that their constant back-biting, back-tracking, back-stabbing and back-peddling is hurting the morale of our troops. After Dick Cheney said as much this past week, many democrats had their blood pressure skyrocket (not to mention that their normally puffy and splotchy face was even puffier and splotchier than normal.)

Perhaps the best way to measure such an impact would be to have a survey. As reported in the Washington Post such a survey has been taken.

Admittedly, the only survey that should count would be one taken amongst the soldiers themselves. But, you got to take what you can get.

Oh, and just because I call my Senator, Carl Levin a jackass, doesn't mean that you can question my patriotism!

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