Friday, October 28, 2005

Iran's President and Israel

Muslims are a loving bunch of people. In a recent speech the President of the Muslim theocracy of Iran calls for the distruction of Israel. (Link to Yahoo! News.)

Kind of warms your heart, doesn't it?

Here is a world leader of a country actively seeking nuclear weapons, a state sponsor of terrorism, and a country that is documented to be engaging in the undermining of self determination in Iraq. Now they are openly advocating the destruction of the only democracy in the middle east.

I'm wondering how long this will continue. We don't live in a world any longer when a rogue state across the globe no longer poses a threat to us. There are thousands of analysts around the world studying this powder keg called Iran. Something is going to happen there within the next couple of years--and it won't be the fault of fascist, imperialist, warmonger George Hitlerbush when it occurs.

We need revolution in Iran now. Anything that we can do to support an internal uprising (one that is ripe by the way) should be pursued. Without that type of uprising soon within the borders of Iran, the US might soon find itself in a showdown with a country that has nuclear capabilities. But, unlike our previous confrontations with countries so armed, Iran is not afraid to use such a weapon.

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